The 5 key steps to creating eLearning

The 5 key steps to creating eLearning are explored in our complimentary white paper from B Online Learning.

Strategy alignment: Too often an eLearning strategy is developed in isolation from core business drivers. If those responsible for developing your eLearning plan do not align with the organisations’ overarching business goals you run the risk of failing to deliver content that has a real impact on the business and you will struggle to convince stakeholders of the benefit of the investment.

Design: This step lays out the design fundamentals of your training such as the type of learning you are developing; the approach you will take; the content you will develop; the method of delivery you will choose and your method of assesment.

Resourcing: How will you resource your project? Even organisations with an advanced and experienced development team should consider outsourcing on occasions. Examine the options against the key roles and responsibilities of a rapid eLearning project.

Content: The construction of your content is where the rubber hits the road, the planning is behind you, now it’s time to build the right content, get this step wrong and the entire project is at risk.

Technology: Navigating your way through the maze of technology options can be daunting and expensive. It’s vital to match your requirements to the solution you choose in a number of areas such as rapid authoring tools, learning management systems and social networking tools.

Connecting these 5 elements together in a cohesive, planned sequence, creates a powerful route map for your eLearning investments. Download the full whitepaper to read about the 5 steps in more detail.

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