Developing Soft Skills in the Digital Age: The LMS Advantage

Advantages of LMS

Recruiters claim that soft skills matter just as much, if not more, than hard skills. The problem is that soft skills can seem intangible and many consider them innate and unteachable.  

But with the right tools, you can teach and develop the soft skills that will help your employees and your business excel.  

In this blog, we explore soft skills – what they are, why they’re important, and how a Learning Management System or learning platform can help.  

What are soft skills? 

In short, hard skills can be thought of as the knowledge you have (e.g. engineering degree, proficiency with Photoshop, etc) while soft skills are more about the behaviours you display in specific situations (e.g. calmness and proactivity during times of uncertainty). 

Just like hard skills, there are many different types of soft skills, but the following are some of the most in-demand soft skills recruiters are searching for today: 

Time management and proactivity 

  • You stay on top of tasks and meet deadlines with ease as you prioritise and use time wisely.  

Emotional intelligence and positivity 

  • You know how to regulate your emotional response while accounting for the emotions of others. You face challenges with a sense that they can be overcome, seeking solutions, rather than focusing on barriers. 

Communication and teamwork 

  • You get your ideas across clearly and constructively raise concerns, as well as respecting others with a focus on collaboration and conflict resolution rather than competition.  

Work ethics, professional integrity 

  • You don’t blame others and know that success or failure comes down to your own choices, strengths, and weaknesses. You are respectful and focused on creating an environment free from discrimination and harassment. 

Adaptability and resilience 

  • You rise to new challenges and are willing to learn new procedures, take on new roles, and embrace change with a positive mindset. 


  • You think of new ideas and recognise value-add opportunities, with a willingness to test things out and think outside the box.  

Why are soft skills in demand? 

In many ways, the importance of soft skills is obvious. But in a changing economy, they are becoming increasingly important for several reasons, including: 

Changing of the guard

Many of today’s leaders are from the baby boomer generation and are nearing retirement age. In 2024, 41% of the workforce will be over the age of 55, and one-third of that group will be over the age of 65. This will lead to a demand for leadership roles as businesses try to secure successors. Soft skills are essential to strong leadership, which in turn will help sustain your organisation. 

Rise of remote or hybrid work 

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen remote and hybrid work increase around the globe. This brings its own set of challenges in which certain soft skills like time management, communication, and emotional intelligence are more important than ever. No longer can you rely on the social, verbal, and cultural cues when working in person.  

It has also dramatically shifted the way we communicate, placing more emphasis on specific communication skills that are particularly useful when communicating via digital platforms. 

They are increasingly rare  

For the past several decades, recruiters and employers have noticed a growing soft skills gap. While there are plenty of applicants with the hard skills to meet the job’s demands, they often lack the soft skills. 

One possible reason for this gap is the lack of face-to-face interaction experienced by younger generations. Many students completed their education online and entered a remote workforce, negatively impacting their development of soft skills like communication. 

There has also been a notable shift in training protocols as organisations have reduced their learning opportunities, expecting employees to come prepared for the job, which often isn’t happening. 

How can your organisation foster soft skills? Introducing an LMS

While some people have a high level of soft skills naturally, they can be developed and enhanced with the right training. 

One of the most effective tools you can use is a Learning Management System (LMS) or learning platform.  

Our learning platform, Birch centralises and streamlines the entire learning process. It’s designed to make learning easy for everyone with flexible, dynamic learning on your terms. It also includes goal-setting and tracking features, so you can see how you’re progressing.  

With features like personalised learning paths, and interactive elements, a learning platform like Birch, enhances engagement, ensures consistency, and simplifies the administration of training programs, making it an invaluable resource for both learners and educators. 

As part of an annual Birch subscription, clients also have access to a wide range of free off-the-shelf content which includes topics that cover many soft skills such as emotional intelligence, non-verbal behaviour, influential leadership, and business etiquette. It’s a fast and effective way to get your training underway. 

Find out more about Birch’s features and get in touch with us for a chat on how we can help.  



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