Our Team
Our values influence our work, products and culture
Our Story
From humble beginnings in Sydney to global conferences in Barcelona and New York, training thousands of clients, and launching our revolutionary learning platform, Birch in Las Vegas, explore some of our key milestones.
Our journey begins!
B Online Learning was born from a conversation between friends and workmates, Bec, Beck, and Bron. Driven by their shared passion for online learning and a desire for change, the idea of an eLearning start-up was exciting and challenging. Between them, they had the business, creative, and technical capability to become leaders in a new and emerging industry.

Registered Training Organisation
We become one of the first RTOs in Australia to use a 100% online blended learning strategy.
The office is opened
We move into a restored distillery in Pyrmont, Sydney. It’s still our head office today.
2008 onwards
Multi award winners
Recognised as industry best 18 times. Our first award is with Sydney Airport for Best LMS solution. They are still a client today.
Certified Articulate Training Partner
We become the exclusive partner in Australia and New Zealand.
Conference Sponsorships
We’ve sponsored many events and conferences over the years including LearnX, DevLearn, L&D Tech Fest, Tech in Gov, HR Summit, AHRI allowing us to share our expertise and connect with learning professionals globally.
More awards
We win best eLearning module and best bespoke eLearning awards at LearnX for our work with Santos. They are still a client today.
Articulate Community Events
Since 2013 we’ve delivered many live and virtual Articulate Roadshows, often co-hosted by Tom Khulmann and David Anderson, from the Articulate team.
Articulate Partner Conferences
Participation in the Articulate Partner conferences in New York and Barcelona
Celebrating 10 Years
We mark our tenth birthday with the Insight Conference and Cocktail Party with clients and friends and a fantastic rock band.
We expand our reach delivering eLearning Design workshops in Malaysia co-hosted with Articulate network partner, eLearning Minds.
Something special is underway
We set up a talented team of developers, business analysts and programmers to begin work on what is to become our revolutionary learning platform, Birch.
Birch is born!
We launch our learning platform, Birch in Las Vegas at Devlearn – a revolutionary product, that truly inspires learning, built from the ground up. New partnerships with AWS and Rustici are formed.
Winners again
We are thrilled to be recognised with 4X Learnx awards including best LMS and best eLearning team
17 years on and going strong
We’ve empowered and supported over 10,000 people with Articulate and eLearning training, developed 3500+ eLearning courses, and implemented hundreds of solutions that truly inspires learning.
Client focused, trusted and respected
We've worked with hundreds of companies to deliver dynamic and effective learning solutions.